Quamist is our dual mode water saving aerator, which has two modes; mist mode and shower mode. The mist mode can save up to 95% of water by regulating the water into a mist of minute water droplets while the shower mode savers up to 85% of the regular water consumed by generating the water into a shower-like stream. The switch between these two modes is as easy as a simple twist of the cap of the tap nozzle. Quamist water saver tap aerator has a state-of-art design to integrate the eco-friendliness and efficiency of the Smart water saver.
Our single mode water saving tap nozzles are called Ecomist and Ecoshower. These are considered very efficient when it comes to saving water due to their single framed body design which makes them extremely durable and tamper-proof. These water saving taps for kitchen save up to 95% of water compared to the regular taps and tap aerators.

Ecomist – ₹ 499

Ecoshower – ₹ 499
What Is Water Saving Aerator?
- Water saving aerators is minute tap attachments that can be attached to your regularly sized taps in order to reduce water consumption and to save almost 95% of the regular water consumed. These tap aerator attachments can be used in kitchen, in common hand wash areas and they are also compatible with almost all sizes of taps. These taps cannot just save water but also make a huge saving out of your water bill.
- These water saving tap attachments are simple nozzle aerators which are designed to be placed inside the inner thread of your standard tap. Voila! Now you have the power to save up to 95% of the regular water consumed right in your fingertips. The installation of this amazing water-saving faucet aerator just takes a regular spanner and a short span of time. Our water saving tap nozzles come with easy DIY installation feature that makes the need for a plumber unnecessary. This Water saving tap nozzles for kitchen reduce the water flow from 10 litres per minute to less than 0.5 litres per minute and they do not compromise with the performance.
Water saving Faucet aerators is highly compatible for usage in kitchens for the purpose of washing vegetables, fruits and these water-saving tap aerators can also be used for washing vessels.
Using these water saving tap nozzles can save up to millions litres of water in a small amount of time, given the average amount of water used in each kitchen every day. These water savers for kitchen can save up to 95% of the water and provide a thorough and premium wash for your vegetables and vessels. Quamist is a smart water saving aerator which has dual modes which is designed specially for kitchens and environments that involve cooking as it comes with two modes. Mist mode of the Quamist water saver for kitchens is appropriate for hand washes and washing vegetables and fruits. The mist mode of the dual mode water saving tap nozzle saves up to 95% of water with each use. The shower mode of the Quamist water-saver faucet aerator is appropriate for more thorough washes of vegetables, vessels and fruits, this mode save approximately 85% of the regular water consume.
How to save water in kitchens?
Reusing of cooking water
Most of the water used in our day-to-day lives is majorly used for the purpose of cooking. If there was a possible way to reuse the water spent through cooking, it is only fair that we use that method in our daily lives. The water used to wash vegetables and fruits are usually filled with minerals and nutrients which are essential for a healthy growth of plants. Therefore, the water used in kitchen for washing vegetables and fruits can be repurposed for watering plants. Water used to boil pasta or noodles can also be used to water plants.
Steam vegetables
If you do not have plants at home, you can always steam your vegetables instead of boiling them. Steaming vegetables not just conserves water, but also preserves the vegetable’s or fruit’s nutrition making your meal even healthier and keeps the vegetables nutritionally intact.
Use a dishwasher
Using a dish washer is also a better method to save water. Dishwashers are known to use lesser water for washing vessels rather than washing the vessels by hand. The dishwashers use heat and steam to sanitize the dishes and tend to use far lesser water compared to other methods of vessel washing. On a regular usage, dishwashers can save up to 26,000 litres of water every year. Investing in a dishwasher comes in handy when it comes to saving water and money, since it is a one-time investment.
Installation of faucet water savers
If you are not ready to invest in a dishwasher, you can try investing in our Smart Water Saving Faucet aerators which can help you save water. Smart water saver tap attachments are easy to install and can be done in a DIY method. These Water nozzle spray for kitchens can save water with each use and perform in the same manner or an even better manner than normal taps without any compromise. These kitchen water saving tap attachments are designed in such a manner that they give out through wash for vegetables while also saving a whopping 85% of water.
What are the types of water-saving aerators?
Smart water saving faucet aerators is available in various designs. At the moment we have 3 types of water saving nozzles
Dual-mode water savers – Some of our Smart Water Savers are available with dual modes; the mist mode and shower mode. You can change between these modes with a simple twist of the water saving nozzles cap. The mist mode saves 95% while the shower mode saves 85%.
Mist water saver – Mist Spray Water saver nozzles– Mist spray water saving nozzles convert the normal water flow into a fine mist spray, making hand washing experiences elite and saving water simultaneously. These fog mist spray water nozzles can save up to 98% water and give an output of 0.4-0.6 litre per minute.
Shower type water-saver – Shower spray water savers- Shower spray water saving nozzles regulate the water flow into a shower like manner saving up to 85% of water while also providing a through wash for your vegetables fruits and vessels. These shower spray water aerator are apt for both commercial and personal usage.
How can I save water in my Kitchen?
SAVING WATER WITH OUR Smart water savers is a cakewalk.
The Quamist range of water saving aerators and Ecoshower range of Smart water savers are the appropriate suggestions when it comes to usage for kitchen purposes. You can easily install them on your existing taps. The fogging mist mode nozzle can be used to wash vegetables while the shower mode can be used to wash dishes. These dual mode aerators are perfect for kitchens since they come in handy and save water a lot.